Things You Must Know Before Getting The Clear Aligners

ezclear aligners
2 min readFeb 23, 2023

A smile is the most beautiful expression that you can have on your face. However, having misaligned teeth can make you feel less confident about the beauty of your smile. Moreover, getting traditional metal braces can further increase your consciousness about your looks. Here the clear aligners come into the picture.

When it comes to correcting the gap between teeth, clear aligners are the best option available. They feel comfortable and are not visible so you can wear them almost all the time with ease. They are custom trays designed especially for a person. However, there are a few things that you know before getting the Clear Aligners in Puerto Rico (Alineadores Transparentes Puerto Rico). We have mentioned those things in the next part of this blog.

Patience is important

It will take some time to see visible results with clear aligners and this time may vary depending on person to person. The full teeth correction generally takes around 8–10 months. However, simple cases take 6 months and complicated cases may take 18 or even more months.

Discomfort in the beginning

Although clear aligners cause less pain and discomfort than metal braces, it is normal to feel a little discomfort while wearing them initially. Keep in mind that your teeth will require some movement and pressure to be in the best possible.

Slight lisp

It is completely normal to get a slight lisp after wearing the trays. A slight lisp means you start pronouncing the sounds `s’ and `z’ as ‘th’. This generally lasts just for the first couple of days of each transparent aligner step. A slight lisp can even be so minor that it is unnoticeable to others. You can perform tongue exercises to fit the aligners perfectly. Move your tongue from side to side and then up and down. Moreover, focus on the letters that are difficult for you to pronounce and read them aloud to practice pronunciation.

Hygiene is vital

While wearing the aligners it is vital to brush and floss after every meal and even before putting the trays back on. Make sure to keep your mouth clean all the time. It will prevent bacteria buildup on the trays.

You will require retainers

Even after wearing all the aligners, you will need to wear retainers that your dentist will provide. Keep in mind that your teeth are getting settling into their new position and without proper retention, they may get back their original position. Retainers are vital for all kinds of orthodontic corrections.


Before getting the aligners, get a consultation with an experienced orthodontist. They will tell you if you are eligible for the treatment. You can also share your concerns with them and they will clear all your doubts.



ezclear aligners

Clear aligners are the best substitutes for traditional braces and work in the same way as braces do moving teeth into proper alignment.